Ink and Rainbows: How Hailstorm Tattoos Found Her Niche Through Music, Art and Healing Her Inner Child

Ink and Rainbows: How Hailstorm Tattoos Found Her Niche Through Music, Art and Healing Her Inner Child

Hailey and Nick Crossley in Mushroom Tattooer and Gnome Tattooer ASTIC Striped Socks

Nest Art Collective is a cozy space, with tattoo booths and a carefully curated collection of art hidden behind an unassuming entrance in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. It’s where you’ll find artist Hailey Crossley aka Hailstorm Tattoos inking colorful characters and bringing custom tattoo ideas to life. 

Last Sunday, I had a chance to join Hailey at the Nest and talk more about her journey as a tattooer, how the music scene has impacted her niche following, and her upcoming merch release with A Stitch In Time Company.

Olivia Snider: Why don't you start and tell us a little bit about the collaboration you have coming out with A Stitch In Time?

Hailstorm Tattoos Crop Top

Hailey Crossley: Yeah, I'm super excited! I worked with A Stitch In Time to make a limited edition run of socks and we're also doing a few crop tops that we'll put on presale soon. I'm super excited for that release!

OS: Wonderful. Can you share a little bit more about it?

HC: So the designs are really just a little piece of my heart. They're kind of silly. They're kind of cute. The socks have two different designs. I did a little gnome holding a tattoo machine and then a little mushroom holding a tattoo machine.

And that's really just like how I see myself. I’m just a little gui doing tattoos. I [basically] put myself on the sock. 

Then the shirts just have a [floral] “Hailstorm Tattoos” on the lapel, and I love them! I’m super excited about this release.

OS: So I know that your style is “rainbow tattoos for your inner child.” How did you develop that style? And what feelings do you hope your tattoos evoke?

HC: So, I've always been a rainbow person. I've always been a colorful soul, and when I first started tattooing, I was like, “man, people aren't gonna like my cute rainbow stuff.”

I didn't think people would want that because usually tattoos are so dark and kind of moody. So it was really cool when I did start tattooing that people were really interested in my niche and colorful tattoos.

My whole thing is I just want your inner child to smile and I want you to feel happy when you look at your tattoos—and it's really cool that clients feel that every day. I love creating a safe space for them to honor their inner child and themselves.

OS: That's beautiful.

So, I know that women tattooers, in general, were not something that was super prevalent when we were growing up, particularly not in your bright style. How did you decide on this as a profession? And what challenges did you face? 

HC: Well, uh I got my first tattoo at 17 and I fucking loved it. The whole experience was great. 

I wasn't quite confident that I could tattoo [back then]. So it took a while to build my portfolio.   

But it's been cool to feel the challenges in that, too—to build my portfolio and deal with the challenges of my own inner critic. The critic that’s like, “you can't tattoo,” and I'm like, “shut up brain, I can tattoo!”

There's also a lot of societal challenges umtrying to get an apprenticeship. I had a lot of people laugh at my portfolio. It's a really hard industry to get into and it's a hard industry to really like build your brand and keep going. 

But I'm really proud that I'm here and doing it.

OS: You've been doing great. You've been having a ton of momentum and really creating consistently, which is wonderful to see.

We're currently speaking out of the Nest Art collective where you are housed as a tattoo artist. Now, I know that you mentioned that you want people to feel like their your child is smiling [when they look at your work]. 

I know that the studio here has a trauma-informed approach, so can you tell me a little bit about the studio itself and why you love working here?

Hailey Crossley On Skateboard in ASITC Merch

HC: Yeah, absolutely. I love Nest Art Collective. 

We're a collective of about 12 artists here. The owner Lora Bird is incredible. 

We all have similar traumatic backgrounds as tattooers. We've all been bullied a lot. We've all been harassed in many forms. We're all queer, we're mostly women. We do have two men who are also queer and also awesome!

But we're just like a beautiful group of folks that really take care of each other and support each other and we're all about just building each other up. 

OS: I'm so happy you found her home is a tattoo artist here. So, what's you have next on the horizon for Hailstorm Tattoos? Any events or conventions coming up?

HC: Yes! The Nest Art Collective will be at the Denver Tattoo Convention next weekend July 21st, 22nd, and 23. It's the Villain Arts tattoo show and festival. So that should be super fun. I don't know our booth number, but when I do, I'll post that.

OS: Super exciting! Will you be doing primarily walkups?

HC: I'll be doing walkups only and I will have a limited flash to choose from.

OS: So, part of your personal community-building for Hailstorm Tattoos has been tied to Daily Bread Family. I know you also support other artists like Late Night Radio and admin for McWavy’s Facebook group. Can you tell us a little bit about your favorite part about giving back to those music communities that have helped bolstered your art career?

HC [lights up]: Music has always been something so close and dear to my heart and it's been so cool to see the community find my tattoos and reach out to me for music tattoos. 

It's also been so cool to do raffle tattoos for like the Daily Bread [fundraiser] events, like giveaways. So it's been cool to do some free tattoos that also give back to that music community.

Every time I get a music fan in here, I just love getting to tattoo them for a few hours and bond over music. Like, “Oh my God. I went to that show, too!” and like, “I love that album, too.” That shit lights me up and it's the best.

OS: Yeah, I can see a smile on your face. To branch off that, are there any artists or songs you have like on repeat right now?

HC:  I've been listening to a lot of hip-hop lately, mostly throwbacks and the usuals like Maddy O’Neal and the Philos crew.

Socks and Skateboards ASITC x Hailstorm Tattoos

OS: Are there any tattoos or themes you’ve been dying to do that you haven’t had a chance to ink yet?

HC: I have quite a list in my brain of things that I haven't done yet! 

Mostly just things that also light up my inner child, too. Things that some people don't even think about, like PB and J Otter. Do you remember that show? I would love that.

That's such a weird one. But it's just like shit like that. 

I have a list of Sponge Bob tattoos I haven't done yet. Just like anything that will also make me smile. It's my favorite.

OS: It really is the best when you're getting tattooed by someone that's really excited about what they're creating on your skin. 

I know we’ve talked a lot about your inner child. To wrap us up on a high note: if you could give one piece of advice to your inner child, what would it be?

HC: I would tell her that she's safe and loved and to keep creating and to keep going because she's worth it!

Hailey has been featured in publications from 303 Magazine to the Denver Post and Shoutout Colorado. 

Catch her at the Denver Tattoo Convention July 21-23 at the Colorado Convention Center for walk-up tattoos or book your appointment for a custom tat through her website

Hailstorm Tattoo's Colorful Tattoo Ink